12 Marathons in 12 Days: Tommy Caughlan

Meet Tommy Caughlan, the unstoppable force who conquered 12 marathons in 12 days, not just for the thrill of the run, but for a greater cause.
With each stride, Tommy carved a path of inspiration and determination, all in the name of raising funds for the Starlight Foundation.
Read his incredible story below.
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What inspired you to take on the incredible challenge of running 12 marathons in 12 days to raise funds for the Starlight Foundation?
Coming into the giving season of Christmas I personally wanted to do something to give back, especially to kids going through a tough time with sickness and Illnesses!
Can you share some of the most memorable moments or experiences you had during your 12-day marathon journey, both on and off the running course?
On the course the most memorable was on day 11 when the community got to feather and we had a variety of people run their first full marathon, half marathon and even 10km which was insane!! The most of the pavement was definitely heading into the starlight foundation and putting a smile on this kids faces during such an amazing time of year!
How did you prepare physically and mentally for such an intense and consecutive series of marathons, and did anything surprise you along the way?
My preparation was very short and sweet! Previously I had only run 1 marathon in my lifetime so I just dove in head first and decided 10 days out to complete this insane feat. During the 12 days there was a lot of surprises but one that comes to mind for me is just how much it’s mind over body! My mentality through this was when I complete this my story will be “if I can so can you”!
Running for a charitable cause like the Starlight Foundation is commendable. Can you elaborate on the impact you hope to make through the funds raised and how it will benefit the children and families supported by the foundation?
I believe in starlight's moto and mission!! At Starlight we know that happiness matters to sick kids facing the pain, fear and stress of serious illness. That's why for over 30 years we've worked in partnership with health professionals to bring the fun, joy and laughter that helps sick kids be kids. We help kids of all ages regardless of disability, injury or illness because what happens in childhood lasts a lifetime. We believe in happiness because it matters to sick kids’ health.
Balancing the physical demands of running with the emotional aspect of supporting a charity can be challenging. How did the cause of helping sick kids motivate you throughout the marathon series, and did it affect your mindset during the runs?
One hundred percent! Everyday since I saw the kids over at Randwick children’s hospital. Once you see how affected the kids are in real life it definitely put my pain into perspective and when I was running and times got tough I would think about that and how much I had to be grateful for what I was going to achieve!
What advice do you have for others who may be inspired by your journey and want to undertake similar fundraising initiatives for charitable causes through their passion, such as running?
If I can do this so can you, just go out get after it and be a savage!!!
What are your favourite Blue Dinosaur Bars or products?
I absolutely love all of them!! I can’t tell you how many boxes I went through whilst completing the 12 marathons! If I had to say one, the coconut bites and also the peanut butter protein bar for sure!