Group Outdoor Activities

Group Outdoor Activities


The sun is out, the guns are out but you're running low on ideas on how to take advantage of those sunny days? Especially with friends, it seems like the only thing you can do is go out and eat. But we wanted to enjoy summer a bit differently this year. So if you've got the day off, or the sun is finally out during the weekend, why not put one of the below suggestions in the group chat and get the group together for an outdoor activity.

It's important to get outside especially if you work indoors whether it's WFH or in an office. The fresh air is good for the mental health. The sun is good for vitamin D levels, don't forget that sunscreen though. The below activities are also just good ways to bond with your friends rather than just chatting over lunch, create more memories with one of the below ideas!

Group Outdoor Activities

Beach Day

Discover a new beach. Whether it's driving until you find one, or finding a secret hide out you've never visited before. The quieter the beach the more successful this journey will be. Make it a challenge to find the most secluded beach, so you can also remember it for those extra hot days when all the popular beaches are over crowded. Go for a swim, play beach cricket or go for a walk along the beach. It can be more than just going to your local, regular beach. Branch out and find a new fave place.  


A fun activity that is probably forgotten but it's still such a fun activity. Download the app and let it take you to discover whole new areas. Better with friends, who can find the geocach the quickest. It's a great way to explore, enjoy the outdoors and have fun with friends!

Bike riding 

Only complete with a picnic at the end of it. Or just some sort of drink. Better yet, if you can make the view at the end spectacular, it'll make the activity even more enjoyable. And what's a moment if not shared with friends? So dust off those bikes, put those helmets on (safety first), put a BD bar in your pocket and get riding 💪 🚴  


Whether it's pulling out weeds, planting in seasonal flowers or planting some herbs and vegetables. This can be a wholesome outdoor activity to do with some friends. Maybe entice them to join you by sharing a bev or meal afterwards, but halfway through they will surely be loving it. Nothing better than getting your hands dirty and being one with nature. Plus if you can get your friends involved in this "manual labour", then WIN WIN!


We know we've said this all before but this one can be a great way to get out of bed in the morning, get that blood circulating and a rewarding activity to do. We compiled a list of the best hikes in each state around the country. So if you're looking to get into hiking, why not get your friends together and go for one! Don't forget an energy bar of ours to keep you energised throughout 😉 

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